2015년 12월 21일 월요일

At Buck's woodside, an Awesome place for dining and time for entrepreneurs and their mentors.

Buck's woodside is located at the east side of the hill on the west shore of silicon Valley.
Place is well-known for not only its decent serving of food but also a place for gathering of entrepreneurs. 

The interior decoration of the restaurant is full of surprises and fun,
just as it feels like touring in an amusement museum.

Thanks to Youngjune and his father, I was introduced to these two mentors in the picture. Mr. Seungsam Yoo from ICTK ventures and Mr. Sunghyun Hwang from SK planet.

Entertainment, relaxation, and enjoyment in the place spreads from mouths of entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley.

Mr. Yoo told us,

"If you have an idea to change the world,
 Think Big, Start Small, also Start and Change Quickly."

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